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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  February 16, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EST

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keeps the party going. but my airline mil take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with creditcards.comit's easy to search hundds of cards and apply online. >> are you a member of the privileged class? you get special breaks in life? politicians say. >> we will all benefit from it. >> all don't benefit. the privileged benefit. >>s there any other large employer that gets the same treatment? >> it doesn't only apply to congress. >> we will be darned if we are going to lose their health insurance because of unintended nsequences. >> so unions have a special
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break. >> keep it rolling. >> movie stars and their kids. >> don't let someone tell you that you can't do something. >> which it special rates? so do investors in certain kinds of energies get this? that is our show tonight. ♪ ♪ >> and now it is time for john stossel. >> for the first time most of america's richest counties surrounding washington dc. wasngton is where you go if you want to show privileges and that is where they dole them out and as government grows washington is also where they say that we are all equal and n
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this together. when the government is very vague, that is a lot. >> all of us are equal. john: what about all of this writg about communism? the principles apply to america today. the ggvernment central planning hurts everyone a little but rewards pepeople with conntion. >> the animals themselves are no better off. john: they were the political leaders and over time they prospered at the other animals expense. ♪ ♪ john: some are lower than others. today the animals that are more he will than others are washington politicians and their cronies.
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and those who get close to the politicians. that is how in the budget deal hollywood film producers got a special break. nascar got $70 million to build a new race track. multinational corporations of offshore subsidiaries got a 9 billion-dollar tax break. and the active part of this is proud progressive who says it is right but who needs help and many need america's tax reforms and they say that we should shrink government so they can't make some animals are more equal than others. do you really want them picking the winners with all of these trillion dollars? >> if we are going to have government and laws, it is
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absolutely the case that some old will get some benefits in this. that being said, the impact of government is tiny and trivial compared to the impact that the market has that heredity has that the number of other factors have or if you want to be rich in this society, the best way is to be born thattway and if you are not born that way marry a rich pern and if you do not marry a rich person go into the market and sell goods and services that people want. that will get you more rich than sucking up to the government. john: that is fair, but having goverent give it to you because you know someone isn't. >> it is inevitable that if we want government do thin for us and we want roads and bridges and a safety net, sommone somewhere is going to benefit from that and you can't use that as an excuse to not do important things. >> no libertarian other is going to say that we shouldn't have the government involved. the question is can do maybe
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a public and private partnership where they can make their investments back on the road rather than those who are out there to build the roads. these are the questions we should be asking. john: keep government small so these are in the hands of politicians. and you don't use some notion that this'll be a little had been a little behind to making the chces are in someone is going to have to build that road and it might be your friend or it might be john's friend. john: what about the nascar track remount. >> i don't know. >> i'm not going to defend every single tax break.
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the bureaucrats, these are not folks that we have this war. >> this appls to congress. >> republicans and demcrats and we don't want to treat them like the rest of the country. so why do we need to be
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outraged? >> that's not how the health care law is written. your employer doesn't give you any more premiums or subsidies for the premiums of your health care costs and that is just a deal and the folks who wrote that law haveo abide by it as well. >> labor unions would make obamacare supporters until after obamacare is passed and they read it and discovered some of us will have to pay more. >> we are going to lose her health insurance by a unintended consequences and it needs to be fixed now. >> it will exempt the unions and what we just complain about. others have to pay it. >> this is the ay we fightthis stuff in a democratic society.
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some are smart about maneuvering and at least we are doing this in a playing field. >> it is the cap on health care benefits. isn't that unfair?
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i think that the facts would suggest that this is part of it. it allows these political groups to take tax deductions that are doing political stuff. let's get rid of that and make it clean and make all groups take their share. >> is that include labor unions? >> just come it doesn't. john: all ght, we can agree on that. it would be nice if the taxes were lowered her head certain investors get special privileges if they invest in what politicians call green energy even after the solyndra debacle he told people he wants more money given to certain companies to pay for research. >> it is too expensive and too risky. then we will all benefit from it. john: we don't so much all benefit from it. certain people do.
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it didn't pollute everything. so what we have for alternative energy? >> that is because the private market is not going to bear. >> the market is demonstrably.
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>> i agree. the oil companies deliver it. there is something extraordinarily neat about this. a lot of times allowing the oil industry to deduct e same thing that other manufacturers are allowed to deduct as well. john: he raised about a hundred thousand dollars and made several businesses to the white house. and this is the guy who is behind solyndra. >> i'm not blaming solyndra. their sleaze bags in every industry.
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this includes our sincerity aries and beacon powder and so much, one after the other. >> if you look at these. they are the most open and honest administration in history. >> it's terrible when you read this listof these companies. i think if you look at it in a broader context, the failure rate is far less than in the private marketplace. >> why should we have the government ensuring myth.
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>> many are trying to gain traction as well. >> we want all of those things as well. we are losing the debate because with every debate government grows. john: coming uu, privileges for moviemakers. movie makers.
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governmentompete to offer special breaks to hollywood to make this movie land less american to get their as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's cognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. john: a state of emergency is tom states with better financial
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incentives are part of this. can filmmakers go left? california has grea weather. but it also has expensive unit were rules in high tax. so well where should the movie producers now? forty-two states offer vie producers incentives. he has produced tv shows.
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>> i think they should be abolished. john: why is that? >> they don't make any economic sense. so the state of rhode island got 20 cents for every dollar they spend and they did a study that shows that they got 8 cents back for every dollar they spend. john: but they keep spending. >> i have the responsibility to produce the to get movies going. john: they criticize the film tax credit.
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>> over 6000 jobs in the past two years alone. it is about people who dream of living and working in their home state and who can't afford to lose. the michigan film tax cdit. keep it rolling. >> it's about people who work in their home state and lose their jobs. -p>> basically there are incentives that really turns into 42 different solyndra companies over the country. john: do you have a friend? >> yes, i feellike people do let you voice your opinion. i think you continue to work.
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john: what about states and countries too. the producer of avatar. >> i know john is a eat producer and if i was in his jewish never do the same thing ultimately it is unfair trade practices. what we should do is abolish all of these trade practices here in the united states. not subsidize other industries that we currently subsidized. and then penalize countries like new zealand were competing with us unfairly. look at the rest of the world to do it all ona level playing field. the crews and workers and people here in southern california will always win out because we have the best in the world. >> andhe only way that they can do.
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>> they have to pay for these subsidies. you are an honorable man. john: coing up, celebrating hollywood in the muskrats way. john: but if you are not privileged, you could lose your ♪ [ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ]
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hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good over $700 billion dollar in assetets under care. let me just put this away. [ male announcer ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, st quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense ofnvesting. ♪
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makes sense ofnvesting. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're uearly. up late.
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thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and y no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at john: your home is your castle. and less govenment visuals decide that they can do better things th your property for the greater good. a law called eminent domain allows governments to grab
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private property to build things like parks. however lately more politicians are using eminent domain to grab people's land to help privileged developers. ryan briggs from the philadelphia city paper reports on this is here with us. >> a gentleman named rick young essentially lobbied local councilwoman for funding and eminent domain in an impoverished neighborhood in we philadelphia and he was also a political donor to that same councilwoman.
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>> it was handled poorly and their obvious ethical conflicts of the city knew about john: thank you for bringing this to our attention. we might thank you. john: politically connected, but what about the people who own property where the development is supposed to the studio is owned by this gentleman and the government plans to tone it down. >> unfortunately t the building was up for sale for 2.2 million. i have built 10 rooms and artist studios and they are fully lovable. john: this is serious art. >> i have five pieces in the philadelphiaaart museum and other pieces around the world.
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john: so the government says that we need a supermarket. >> fine. but i need my studio. you can have my property if my property was up for sale. they could make me a decent author. john: why would they make you an offer for $2 million if you can get his croies to get it for $600,000? >> it's not fair. johh: we got an answer where they said that we have met with your representatives and we are working towards a resolution that will accommodate both you andyour needs and your desire to bring healthy and nutritious food to the world. >> it is not a food desert. john: that is what they call it. michelle obama talks about it.
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>> they have more vacant lots in any part of the city and they decided that they wanted this parcel of land. john: what is this about? >> it's about seizing the land for future development. jn: cronies helping other cronies? >> they could be. john: coming up, our next guest will defend nepotism. he will defend these privileged brats. welcome back. how is everything? there's nothing like being your own boss! and my custors are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title.
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of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. hey mom? i got the job! you got the job. welcome aboard. i've got a job to do today. have a good firs day at work, mom! narrator: donate to goodwill. help provide job training in your community. ♪ ♪ john: this is a clip from a neww tv show called rich kids in
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beverly hills. i was raised by immigrant parents who told me theywere giving me nothing, you have to make it your own. and that makes sense to me because america is supposed to be a meritocracy. but adams says that i am wrong to emphasize meritocracy. he is the author of in praise of nepotism. and you are the son of the famous author, so you are cheating. he gave you a break. right? >> that is what you would think. actually my father was terrible with nepotism. and he had no connections that were of any help to me. and even if he had a wooden be the same thing. i try to become a writer in my 20s and i wasn't as talented as my father and i was a bbg surprise. so i went into a related line of work. and the people that hired me felt that not just my name and
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my background and upbringing, the kind of eucation and the values that i inherited from my father would make a good f in the publishing business that would be the case. whether or not we consider it to be fair not because someone enjoys advantages due to their birth, we are prepared to take this on an individual basis. so if you are axle ford and you are not very god at designing cars,, you go down in history as an example of bad nepotism. john: so you agree that the stupid tv show, the rich kids of beverly hills, they are celebrating their wealth? >> yes, that is what we call rags to rags in three generations. >> what you mean about that matter they squander the money? >> yes, it is.
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it's cliché for a reason. john: look at these headlines with energy department. nepotism is open and widely accepted. but it is open at the energy depament. that is disgusting. >> it's a very old story in american politics. there has always been a feeling in america that people in politics should be drawn there and not because of traditional family values. >> he is the best of i person to run for president, but i hope he won't. the clintons, the bushes,they are just more qualified.
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john: there are a million more families in that. >> the public says we don't like nepotism, but we accept these guys. >> we in general condemn it. but on a case-by-case basis and we tend to approve of it. in the new nepotism the successor has to prove his worth. john: on to hollywood. actor will smith put his kids in
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movies. >> hollywood is a family industry. not ju in the profession but in directing and acting alone. >> drew barrymore isthe daughter and angelina jolie and jon voight. martin sheen, charlie sheen and emilio estevez. and he and charlie are more famous than emilio estevez. so is nepotism working for them? smack it works in hollywood. but americans are not an envious people. and that is the hallmark of americans and we're perfectly
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fine with michael douglas becoming a movie actor because he is talented. john: what about how it intrudes on my profession? "the today show" used to be a job you had earned. but is this correspondent earning a? >> we have some first-hand experience. good morning and good to see you at. >> thank you. john: she is one of george bush's daughters. >> reall grateful to be here with you. thank you for the opportunity. >> i love gting interviewed by someone who actually understands what it's like. john: give me a break.
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it's just so bizarre. >> you agree with s? >> this? >> yes, but my point is this. if people show that they have some ability once they have received some benefit. then in general the public is perfectly prepared to accept it. john: i'm not fine with that, but thank you adam. next, what happens when government tries to cut bac on special privileges? sometimes the pople who are grown accustomed to the handout riott and in one case jury farmers and in one case jury farmers pour truckloads of milk on the you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gascon®.
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only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. you knso i get invitedpeople have saved with progressive, to quite a ffamily gat. heck, i saved dith here a fortune you make a mighty finesus, m'l. i'm nosaying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i savehim $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ng.
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am i right [ laughs [ dancmusic playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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john: the u.s. govnment is much too big and it's wrong to give so much money to the privileged class when it could be worse. art government consumes aboout 40% what we produce. most european governments take even more than they give big bucks to all kinds of special interest groups. and then when our country goes broke and cuts back, this
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happens. government workers are being asked work late. and joel, this covers you for "theall street journal." all kinds of stuff is going on like that. britain gave $107 million to rolls-royce? >> yes, they already manufactured at time of their products in asia. >> the french government not only subsidizes movies made in france, but they subsidize foreign movies if we mention france? smack that is correct. there is an elaborate system of quotas and and evaluation to look at movies.
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and a billion dollars, 700 million euros this year's. john: some of the tortured scripthat americans come up with that ualify here as well. here's a clip of one american movie. >> that act debates this and then to las vegas. >> i went to see this and i watch the scenes unfold. with french characters appearing and i'm thinking to myself that there is no possible way that this could have come about without someone thinking about
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the subsidies. >> in brussels the eu subsidies face about 60 billion euros a year. and then there are lots of private for profit companies that now exist solely to advise businesses and individuals on how they can get these new subsidies. john: some of the subsidies, a hungarian for about $560,000 to develop hydrotherapy for dogs. >> that iscorrect. hydrotherapy for dogs. the world wildlife fund also got 16,000 euros for effectively a nature appreciation program for italian farmers.
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>> they have become more aware of their emotional reactions to it. >> they got this money to help the farmers commune and part of this tax money. >> once these exist, it is time to get part of this. they have finally made some cuts. in france farmers are one prileged class when they decided to allow more milk reduction, faers for their milk on the ground in protest. so once you get your goodies come you get angry when someone wants to take away. >> yes, exactly. this is what happens when they get upset. especially a pretty regular occurrence in europe. >> some of the other tax subsidies, germany gives tax
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village status to those involved in development of culture and imal protection and sports. doc sports? >> yes, if you are a caliber, you are out of luck. >> and people are okay with this? >> not necearily. your creditors are not necessarily okay with it. as seen ithin the last two years. but if you are someone -- it's actually hard to not find a way to get a subsidy in europe. i guess people seem okay with it because a lot of times if you try hard enough the is money in it for you. john: this is a bad system. thank you so much. coming up, a way to cure the culture of special privilege in washington. >> let's move the capital to the city of announcer: where can an investor be a name and not a number? scotade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office.
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roll up my sleeves and get back to work. - made me realize i could plant a autiful garden for my community center. - took my professional development to the next level with vocational counseling and education. ♪ - showed me a bght future, even though my sight was damaged in combat. ♪ - elevated my career, ev though a back injury prevented me from doing heavy lifting. - prepared me for my next mission, and helped me realize that success after the service is possible. announcer: if your service-nnected disability prevents you from continuing in your civilian career, vocrehab offers counseling, training with a living allowance, education, and other services to help prepare you for your next mission. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changinidea like this:
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dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at >> today for the first time, most of the richest counties in america surround washington the week. john: that is because money goes to where people can grant special privileges. and the rich get even richer. in washington even underpaid workers resemble palaces. this is a teachers union headquarters. we are told that is worth $100 million in.
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>> and they said no, we couldn't tape inside of there. but i wouldn' care about their brand building integrated wealth. but the privilege does create much value in and they just feed off the people that do. and if government grows the problem gets worse. what might be done about that. >> a w to carry incredible ineffectiveness or both parties in washington. removing the capital to nebraska and leave the lobbyists and the influence back east to. >> that is an idea from the someone was running from the senate. by with less privilege be handed out if congress were in nebraska?
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>> we need to leave this permanent bureaucracy alone in behind. permanent bureaucracy alone in behind. >> and they would follow the capital to nebraska. >> well, what we need to obviously recognize is the incremental tweaking that won't affect what we have. a river of money flows to waington right now and we need to be talking about fundamentally about the limited number of constitutional duties of the federal government has. this is a mass. >> your commercial is called the outsider. you were chief of staff at the u.s. department of justice. chief of staff to a representative and you had a consulting contract with the department of homeland security. you're the assistant secretary for planning at the hhs and you've only been out of washington a few years. so you're just another insider? >> yes, it is a fair question but it's not reality. i have worked in washington for about four years. but i am a private sector type
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of guy and my wife d i are raising our three kids less than a mile from where i grew up and if you think where washington is where value is created? we don't believe that a nebraska. the center of the world of small-town and the founders believethat everyone should think that other state because the private sector is the heart of america. john: there is nothing small town about this new expensive medicare part d. he wrote an op-ed in the u.s. news report that it is the answer to health reform. this is another exploding entitlement reform that is wealthier than you are age group and you're giving us more money? >> you are certainly right. we are guilty of generational theft in america and i have always opposed unfunded entitlement expansions. and i have opposed it from the beginning.
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but what it has a part i the do not is at the very least it has a market mechanism as opposed to just eurocrats setting prices by fiat. but every unfunded expansion is a mistake and we need to get back to budget honesty. john: it's good to hear you say that. thank you so uch. it's an interesting idea moving the capital way from washington. but i don't know what good it would do to pay them, the lobbyist would move to the new capital. as congressman says it is the lobbyist that are the real problem. >> they are the royalty of washington washington dc. >> congress did it by passing on these laws? >> i will tell you that the real love is on washington dc. >> he says it's on wall street. >> is much more money there. what other politicians don't get is that no matter how much some wall street tycoon gets, he can't force me to do anything.
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there are only two ways to do things in life. voluntarily or by force. washington is more dangerous because it can force people to give money and privileges. the process forces us to subsidize. try not paying your taxes. they will eventually show up at your doorstep and if you don't pay they will put you in jail. i don't really care if will smith puts his son and his movie or if drew barrymore as the data was a famous actor and that's why she was in the movie e. people volunteer to give money to drew barrymore and will smith. i get it. the government is forced and that's why it's evil and get even more special privileges to the people behind the velvet rope. contributors and their cronies
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and another reason to shrink to $3.5 trillion deal that is washington. that is our show and we will see you next week area ♪ ♪ gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. right now on "the willis report", it is the obama care olympics. forget the gold, silver and bronze level coverage, there is a push for a new plan, copper. our users guide to love and money. we're taking drama ou of divorce. flag on the play. our legal team takes on unusual cheerleader lawsuit. we're watching out for you tonight on the "willis report." gerri: just how private is your priority information? the government cracking down on


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